Jul 29, 2008

couple bracelet =D

we watched 3D Journey to the Centre of the Earth at MV today.

thought could enjoy the show, but the glasses changed my mind. i don't feel comfortable with my specs on plus that glass. at least, not as enjoyable as he did. =/

anyway, when we planned to leave the mall, we saw Tomei Roadshow.

the he said: i thought of buying a couple bracelet for us. an expensive one. won't stain and nicer ma.

we went over and asked the sales girl.

she said: there is no couple bracelet, unless you go for stainless steel or custom made one. mainly, white golds bracelets are all for ladies.

then, we changed to couple rings. also white gold type, like the one i'm wearing for few years already. =)

but this time is a lil bit different. there is this TINY and REAL diamond on it. Hahahahaha

and so we checked out the price. guy's one is RM530, while girl's one is RM399. if i'm not mistaken.

well, girl's one is cheaper because it's lighter, less white gold on it. the one we looked at, it's 4+ grams only. =S

she said these designs normally don't exist in shops, roadshows have more collections.

these designs are really nice la. plain, simple and gorgeous! =)

so if anyone of you looking for one, go there and check it out! got bracelets, necklaces, rings. so shiny la.

see see also not bad ma. =D

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