Mar 13, 2009

help me. :(

was really very hungry after attended 4 hours of classes (without break plus walking back and forth) and only eaten steamed buns for breakfast.

so i went to nearby vending machine to get some snacks. thought of getting chips or something. but no food are allowed in the the lab, so had to get sweet and tiny stuffs.

spotted this.
Maltesers. $2.50

it's pretty sweet and crunchy. tasted weird. Australia's choco taste different huh? XD

and OMG! i'm gonna fail the blardy Finance. lab test 1 is on end of March. and she said, must do LOTS of practices by ourselves in order to pass. NO DO, NO PASS.
but i don't even know a thing except following her steps in lab every time. :(
basically, must train yourself with lots of different types of questions to master the skill. :o

and i don't even have the motivation to start. simply because i dislike FINANCE from the start.
i'm gonna die for this. :'(

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