May 22, 2009

Cold weather can get people sick

Due to the weather, I wore a top with a knitted cardigan plus jeans with boots and a SCARF to cover my neck. HeeeEee. Covered myself as much as I can.

After 5pm, met with Twins at Angazi Cafe to buy cheap food! Yay! Everything is only $3!! Bought 3 Ham and Cheese croissants and a box of California Sushi. Freaking cheap. Normally, Ham and Cheese croissant cost $5.60. I still buy it for lunch every time I'm nearby that area. Nice ma. Fortunately, the Sushi tasted fine. Better than the week we bought for$2. The rice not as hard as it was. Yummy! Should have bought more. =(

Okay, back to the Twins. I saw them and I was a little, just a little, surprised.

Teing was wearing a top with a knitted scarf plus jeans and sneakers. Wth? No jacket or coat to cover yourself?! And her top was the alcoholic top if I didn't remember wrongly. Damn thin eh. It was really cold like hell. The wind blew on your face, as if putting your face at the freezer for one second. So, imagine it blows on your uncovered skin. *shiver* Very easy get sick wan siu jie. Some more you thin like a stick. I was thinking, "Wa, so tough meh. So cold, some more wear so little". HahAHha. Even Australians wear like me okay. It says everything.

Then I spotted Hwey. She wore flip flops! Her toes must had been so numb. Seriously la, cold like shit. Luckily she wore a jacket. At least, covered ma. Look for me if you need sneakers before getting a new one. Don't get yourself sick, most importantly.

Need to get a glove la. Hands also freezed eh. But macam quite kua jeong to wear gloves. HAhaHA. Sort of snowing like that.

So, let's go for shopping after exams okay? Get something to keep yourself warm. Not joking.

4 stars*:

Deng said...

haHAhahAH. I didn't exactly think about the weather when I wore a tee this afternoon. I think I still have the idea that OZ winter is not very bad. Cause before I came, everybody was saying that it's not very cold la etc. Then now I'm hessitant on getting more clothes because I don't want to pack like crazy at the end of the year! And I don't want to live without you too!!

_VeL_ said...

Aiya, buy as needed ma. If not what you gonna wear during winter? Not too cold but still cold. End of the year, just pack everything in the boxes la. Not very hard ok. HahaHAha. Don't want to live without me? Why? *blush* HAhahA

Deng said...

You're like the only friend we have here. T T

I like our cooking sessions and the occassional chit chat sessions when all of us hang out. Then if you're gone, I can see me and Hwey being full blown hermits.

_VeL_ said...

You think friends form in short period meh? You have to hang out with that person and seeing each other for a long period plus knowing each other more then only consider friends.You'll know more soon.

Don't be too sure on being the hermit. Your life might change okay. =)

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