Jul 15, 2009


Did a nose mud on his nose. Was only for his nose. HahA.

So happy and sad at the same time. We had wonderful times together, but when we think of the months that I'll be in Brisbane without any confirm plan, we kinda worried. And, he's worrying that I can't stay along with him.

I don't want to come home, without him. I just wanna follow him no matter where, what, how. You can see I might relying him A LOT. But, it's kinda suffering to have a long distance relationship. And I don't wanna experience it again. =(

The few months that I'll be alone there might be a little suffering, but I know I can go through it. I was inspired by someone too. She did it, I can too. Nothing is impossible to achieve, as long as I have the determination. =))

I heart you.

1 stars*:

hy said...

要对你们的爱情有信心!这么多年的基础不是假的,而是坚固的 ^^

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