Jul 7, 2009

Still feeling the same?

He once told me, she might change and be a better person. And now, she has another half already. With the 'dear' here and there in Facebook. S***. How long it has only been? She acts damn fast.

What bout him? Still hoping. Or still dating on and off with other girls with the hope that she might come back. It's sad. =(

Who am I to ask him stop hoping? Stop expecting? Stop thinking of her?
Hopefully, he'll get to find a girl that touches his heart and treat him with a sincere heart, one day. He deserves a better girl, that love him truthfully.

He always tell me there's no one to blame in this relationship failure. Of course, there's no one. But obviously, she has no one cent of feeling left for you. Why still feel the same for her? Get over it.

1 stars*:

Cathy C said...

you sounded so kek dong..lol

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