Feb 2, 2010

It's SHORT now.

BEFORE. Long, boring, straight hair.

My first time cutting it short, after so many years. Real short. I had the guts. HAHAHA

AFTER. Short and light.

It's so much flatter now. I can't wash my hair for 2 days, because I did rebonding. So, it's kinda smooth and flat. Kinda like it this way. Maybe I'll look better without specs. What say you?

I'm liking it! :)

4 stars*:

cheahwey said...


I thought when you said short, you meant "trimmed off an inch". BUT HOLY HELL IT'S SHORT. No wait, I take that back. On the continuum of long to short, it's medium. I'm not so shocked now. hahaha.

But, looking good there little lady!

Cathy C said...

You know what? I was expecting really short. But I guess I was right that you will never cut that short. I've never seen you in short hair before, ever since I know you? I think. LOL. Anyway, it look nice :)

nicole said...

omg everyone is getting this kind of haircut! Now i totally cant think of what to do with my long and dry hair =(

Deng said...

Nic: Shave it all off and grow back a nice head of hair.

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