Mar 28, 2010

A dream.

I kinda making this a big deal out of it.

I had a dream, which looks horribly real. I woke up in tears this morning.

I dreamed that I was pregnant and had cancer. Then I had the dilemma on whether continue the pregnancy or have an abortion. I tell you..the feeling was so real. As in I feel really sad and I don't wanna lost the baby. I brought the feeling to the reality.

After I was awaken by the tears on my face, I continue crying. I felt really sad. I can't imagine if this really happens in my life, in any chance.

It's kinda disturbing. I keep thinking of it and wouldn't let it go. As if it will happen on me. Gosh.

Did anyone of you have this kinda dream before? That it looks so real?

2 stars*:

Ken Wooi said...

yeah.. dreams sometimes can be really real.. scary huh? =)

Cathy C said...

Don't think so much ya :) Having baby is a good thing. Faster go get married la. I want to attend people's wedding XD

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