Dec 27, 2008

i learnt... drive slowly on the road. my slow means 80km/h, or slower, 70km/h.

today, i brought my to the Chinese therapist to check out his health problems. we think that those western doctors didn't clearly tell us what the hell is happening to our we were so worried!

well, the therapist spotted all his problem correctly. his blood pressure was lower than mine! 70/60! OMG! it's because was still eating the medicine which will lower down the blood pressure that those western doctors gave to him. and, his stomach is full of medicines that couldn't digest including the Ling Zhi (灵芝) that we thought it's good for his health. now, we know we were wrong.

basically, he needs to eat the medicines given to digest out those left in his stomach. poor grandpa. =(
and slowly recover from the weakness. i know, he is going to be fine. he will be healthy again. =)

anyway, talking about driving slow. ya, because my grandparents were in the car too, i drove very slow to make them feel safe and calm. don't know why, i feel my is a funny guy.

since i was young, he brought me out with his car (those 田七 car) to help him see road sign. until i have grown up, i realized he knew the way but still wanted me to tell him the sign board.maybe that's why, now i'm not a direction cacated girl. LOL

the days that he was in hospital, it was my first time seeing him so weak and helpless. i didn't know what to do but to visit him all the time. until the day i went to see doctor and he knows it, he even worried about my health condition.

we all hope that he will be fine and be the funny him again. =)

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