Oct 25, 2008

have a safe flight! =)

the Twins, have a safe journey all the way to Japan ok?
don't get into fights ya. HahaHAhahaha

i'm going to miss you both so much! miss me too! although, i know Teing is going to miss Bernard more. HahaHahaha

so Hwey, miss me ok?

we shall wait til the day you both are back then.

Hwey, take some pictures of handsome guys there. =D
or leng luis la. i bet, there are many of them there. HahaHahaha

try to get online sometimes. blog or msn. so, i will think you both are still alive there. =)
don't get into Japanese culture too much.

3 stars*:

cheahwey said...

Aiyo, blink blink then one month liao. Why you say like one year wor...

Mm hou dam sam okay. I will get online when I can.
You don't like Japanese culture meh (whatever it is)?

Deng said...


And why does everybody think that there's a lot of leng chai leng lui's in japan ah??

_VeL_ said...

Hwey: ya la. only one month. it's still a long period lo. actually, i don't know what's their culture also la. thought you would know. Hahaha

teing: because, i watched too much of Japanese drama. Hahaha. which make me thinks Japan should have a lot of leng zhais lo. =D

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