May 19, 2009




一直以来,我都觉得只要我用真心对人,别人也会对我好。 原来,现实的世界不是这样的。 他时常对我说,现实里是没有一个用全心全意地对人。 我一直都不同意。直到,我到了一个没有他的世界。

他说过,他会帮我阻挡所有的坏人,让我做一个快乐和幸福的老婆。 没有了他,我似乎遇到了我从来都不想遇到的事情。而到了现在,我只想逃避。除了对他说,我不知道我还能对谁说。没有了他在我身边,我变得很脆懦。不知道几时开始,我不习惯没有他的感觉。

他说过,朋友是不会一生一世的。我没有同意过。现在,我终于体会到了。把这一些不开心的事写出来让我觉得很心淡。 我哭了。我感觉到我从来都不想拥有的感觉了。

5 stars*:

Cathy C said...

why la write in chinese, luckily i know how to read abit bit, so i can read roughly..hehe

Hmm..don't like this la..not everyone also like this one..if you are lucky enough, and able to find someone who's compatible with you also and understand each other well, i'm sure your friendship could last long :)

And we 'man sum mou kuai' so we can still treat ppl nice, and if they dunno how to appreciate you, you don't need to care about them much lo, at least you did your best..

Cheer up girl :) hugs

_VeL_ said...

I thought you don't know Chinese at all wan. You check dictionary is it? Haha.

Don't know la. It's complicated. =(

Deng said...

What's wrong Vel? I have a feeling I know who you're talking about, but I'm really not too certain.

Cathy C said...

I know some simple one, because i learn fro chinese song..WAKAKKAA...*bangga one second* because only simple one XDXD

Don't so sad la....ok??hehehehe...still got twin there ma..

hy said...


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