May 7, 2010

Our ♥ will grow stronger.

I have 2 bad news and 2 good news.

Bad news is W can't transfer to QUT. No chance to go Uni together anymore. As sad as it is, we have to move on.

Another bad news is, I'm switching to Master of Marketing. Well, I think this is partially good. I think I'll do better in Marketing though. Finance is not my cup of tea. Oh, and the reason of changing is because of the SOL. In fact, Marketing has higher points than Finance. I've consulted about it. Besides, I won't get any extension in my course period and will get exemptions for few subjects too. So, hollah! =)

Marketing has wider range, I think. It can be anything. It just needs a creative and open mind. Not like designer lah. But still...

So, good news is, W is switching to Civil Engineering! Apparently, his gang of friends had switched to Civil Engineering and realised that it's much easier than Mechanical Engineering, ONLY in TASMANIA UNIVERSITY yo. (It's a sucky Uni btw) So, don't get it wrong. If he get over Year 2, the rest of it will be easy for him. That's the experience of his seniors.

One more, the trip is ON! We can still go to Tasmania and head to Melbourne sama sama. I think, this is the only thing I'll be looking forward to for this winter. Hwey, Teing, I miss the both of you! ♥

So, turned out, things weren't that bad. Be positive! Although we're not going to see each other everyday, like the other couples do, but we're going to live through this happily. Go for holidays together and have our little vacation once a while. =)

Honestly, when I knew about it, I can hardly think straight. But thank God, it turned out right. Only thing is, the together-go-uni-days will be gone. I bet he will compensate me in the future. HaHAhA.

2 stars*:

Ken Wooi said...

all the best and enjoy the trip =)

_VeL_ said...

Thanks! And, thanks for dropping by almost every time. =)

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