Feb 17, 2011

Can't believe I had that moment again.

It's not about Valentine's Day. We sat that out. However, he bought this lovely chocolate mud cake from Coles. How sweet is he.

Anyway, I had this terrible terrible terrible "M" yesterday. I got up on this beautiful morning, thinking it'll be a great day. However, it turned out to be the worst, ever. I haven't experience this for a quite long time, ever since I've been staying overseas.

When things were still normal, I had my cereal. Thinking.. Everything will be fine. But hell no.. Stomach started to ache and my abdomen started to get really pain. I even went to toilet for few times, trying to.. y' know. I started to cry like a baby and asking for Aunty. Then, Baby tried everything to make me feel better. Eventually, he made me lay on the bed and distract me by watching drama. When he gently stroke on my face, I actually felt so much better. The calmness.

Anyway.. Then I started to feel bloated as if I had a cow for dinner. I wanted to throw up but it was just so hard. I ended threw up in front of the toilet bowl. He has to clean the mess. Wanted to try salt water but when he was doing it, I've already threw up. By the way, salt water really does help. I remembered exactly how did it felt like.

He cooked us scallop porridge for dinner. He wanted to try the pork that his Mama taught him. But I couldn't have more appetite to have it. Anyway, porridge is good. Had a huge portion of it. Hehehe.

I really thank God that he's here with me. Without him, I've really no idea how can I go through this. The mess, the comfort, the food. :)

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